fireplace by ageless masonry in long island dream outdoor living space

Fireplace Repair Services

When you’re in dire need of expert fireplace cleaning in Long Island NY, be sure to reach out for professional assistance. Our team of experienced chimney specialists can help you deal with all of your chimney needs quickly and easily! Whether you have a wood-burning fireplace or a gas fireplace, a chimney sweep in New York can help take care of all your fireplace problems quickly and efficiently!

Chimneys, no matter how they were built and maintained, must be periodically inspected and maintained in order to keep the fire burning hot! Professional chimney cleaning professionals can use specialized equipment to safely and efficiently clean your chimney, brick, stone, or slate blue, and all of the parts that connect to it.

From chimney repairs to chimney inspections and flare service, ageless chimneys in New York have everything you need. Our experienced and skilled teams can perform all kinds of repairs, ranging from repairing a chimney liner that’s cracked to chimney repairs for all types of fireplace, chimney cleaning, chimney redesigns, chimney mortar repairs, brick mole removal, firebox repairs, brick sealant, and wood damage repairs. With a team of chimney sweepers, painters, and waterproofers on staff, we can get any job done efficiently and quickly. For a hassle-free fireplace repair, call the New York chimney specialists to schedule a scheduled cleaning or heating maintenance visit today.



